Stay: Oakland QTPOC Resilience Fest
Thanks to all the performers, healers, teaching artists, witches, safety + accessibility team members, volunteers, collaborating groups, neighbors and old + new fam who came through to make STAY so, so, so beautiful.

Peacock Named Best Of The East Bay: "Most Historic Cultural Event!"
OMG Peacock Rebellion just got names East Bay Express’ Best of the Bay! Our Brouhaha program was named “Most Historic Cultural Event.”

Spaces And Resources For Queer And Trans People Of Color To Grieve, Process, And Heal After The Orlando Pulse Shooting
We love you. Really. Really really. Dear precious gift to the world, thank you for being alive. Thank you for living.
Peacock's 2016 QTPOC Pride Event Guide
June in the Bay is QTPOC art epic. Our art is altar, celebration, resistance, life. So welcome to our 4th annual pride guide. We hope it helps you find your people, your power, your self.

Peacock Rebellion Is Moving In!
The Peacocks (and Peahens) are rebelling! If you haven't heard of Peacock Rebellion, it's an amazing group of queer and trans artists of color changing the world through words, images, performances, and magic. We're really excited to be collaborating with them on future projects.

Openpgp Resources From The February 22 Hack Night
We shared a bunch of OpenPGP encryption resources with each other at Hack Night tonight. Here is the list.

Activist Security Drop-in Sessions And More At Monday Hack Nights
Have you stopped by an LOL Hack Night recently? Over the past many months we've been reinvigorating our weekly Monday hack nights with consistent hosting, higher attendance and more consistent collaboration; if you haven't been to LOL in a while, consider dropping by on a Monday night from 7:30-9:30pm to check it out!

If ICE Comes to Your Door
From Anoop Prasad, a lawyer I know and trust, who works at the Asian Law Caucus.

Year In Review: QTPOC Moments From 2015 That Will Shape 2016
If you need some inspiration, let’s review some of the year’s top queer and trans people of color (QTPOC) moments, actions, and brilliance in the US, as curated by the Peacocks.

Fresh: Bay QTPOC Events
Welcome to Fresh, a weekly, curated compass to some fly QTPOC activist art, protests and other goodness. We hope it helps you find your way.

Visionary Friction: QTPOC Books For The Future To Read Right Now
Need some inspiration as you and your tarot deck plan your future?

Brunch And Community Meeting This Sat. At 11 A.m.!
We're going to have a community meeting and brunch on Sat. at 11a! Would be great to see y'all. We're looking for volunteers to help with scheduling and organizing and spreading the word about the space, so please also invite your friends and anyone you know who might be able to make use of LOL!

We Did It! Brouhaha: Trans Women Of Color Comedy Storytelling
Thanks to the 700+ people who came out to support the super dope trans women of color at the Brouhaha Storytelling debut!
Life Coaching Brilliance From Beyoncé, Janelle Monae And M.I.A.
Remember way back in 2013 when: M.I.A.’s label wouldn’t put out her album so she threatened to leak it to her fans ?
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
When I was young, my dad used to say “Don’t be scared. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Um, hello, there are *lots* of things to be afraid of. Fear is a powerful gift your body gives you for survival. So, it’s ok to be afraid. It’s great to be afraid.
12 Steps To Invite The Year Of Your Dreams
Hey intergalactivists! Try this ritual to start the new year with the best intentions (Feel free to share this! Please credit The Intergalactivist: Life Coaching for Visionary Activists for this post and email us to let us know how it goes!)

Notes From Security/privacy/surveillance Workshop For Activists
Update: We're postponing Make Everything Day. We want to have the best event possible, and we just haven't had enough time to organize an awesome event. But our regular events are still going on (Hack Night on Mondays, including this 11/24; Craft Night on Thursdays except this week on 11/27). 11/28/14, 12-5pm LOL - Oakland Makerspace 1234 23rd ave. The day after the big T day can be known as Black Friday at the big box stores but we encourage you to think about it more creatively. Come to LOL-Oakland Makerspace and make everything!

Ferguson Response Resources
We believe that the freedom of a queer/trans person anywhere depends upon the liberation of Black folks everywhere. Peacock Rebellion's providing this list of Ferguson response resources as one small thing we can do in solidarity with the critical work happening on the ground in the wake of Mike Brown's murder.
Today! Queer Care Winter 2014: Nourish
Queer Care Winter 2014: NOURISH is taking place at LOL today. Come visit and hang out with herbalists, including Shootingstar Botanicals, who practice out of LOL! Event runs from 1p to 5p. Check the Facebook event for more info.

Make Everything Day! Update: Postponed
Update: We're postponing Make Everything Day. We want to have the best event possible, and we just haven't had enough time to organize an awesome event. But our regular events are still going on (Hack Night on Mondays, including this 11/24; Craft Night on Thursdays except this week on 11/27). 11/28/14, 12-5pm LOL - Oakland Makerspace 1234 23rd ave. The day after the big T day can be known as Black Friday at the big box stores but we encourage you to think about it more creatively. Come to LOL-Oakland Makerspace and make everything!