We’re Still Here


Hey love,

We did it. We survived another day. Survival is everything. You know the stories: Another day, another community space getting shut down. If a space you love-- or even one you didn't know existed--is in danger, please keep fighting for them. We need each other to survive. Yes, we're scared. Yes, winter is coming. But a friend reminded us that, you know what? So is spring. Let's keep fighting. and building. and making.  Let's keep zones of refuge - spaces where we can connect, create, organize, and fight back! LOL-- a progressive, people of color -led, gender-diverse queer and trans -centered Maker Space for social justice-- is leveling up for the days ahead. 


In addition to our:

  • Newly wheelchair-accessible, fat-friendly, zero-VOC restroom

  • New laser engraver and second 3D printer

  • 2 giant whiteboards and cozy living room space

By next week, we'll have new fire extinguishers, new smoke & carbon monoxide detectors and a new, sustainable, better-insulated, zero-VOC floor!


Looking forward to making, building, and fighting back in 2017!

With love,

Praveen, Jen-Mei, and Devi

Liberating Ourselves Locally (LOL) steering committee


Trans Life And Liberation Art Opening!


4-month Paid Trans Peer Advocacy Training