Tips to Support Individual and Community Healing
Things we've done to support individual and community healing For Mangos With Chili's 2013 National Queer Arts Festival show FREE: Two Spirit, Trans and Queer People of Color Visions of Freedom, S.D. Shah and Devi collaborated on a video + performance piece where they asked the audience to write responses to the question "What are some things you've done to support your healing and community healing (physical, emotional, cultural, sexual, spiritual, etc.)?" Here's what community members wrote at the show and placed on a physical altar or posted to the event's web stream or facebook page (The piece wasn't a Peacock Rebellion project, but we're posting it here so the list has a virtual altar that's more permanent than facebook. and Mangos' web site is down): How we've supported individual and community healing:
I've developed my inner dialogue and taken time to make intentional goals
let myself cry
go to therapy
learn the truth and speak it
honor my body and sex it up
dress in drag
allowed myself to focus inward and cry for a lot of years
smoke pot
light candles
learn to meditate
eat orange and green foods
write down my dreams
connect with other survivors and healers
make art about my experiences
stop trying to organize and run everything
learn how to let myself be touched and feel my body
find people to love authentically
singing and teaching people to sing
stare into someone else's eyes
study Kabbalah
unlearn oppression
support my friends and lovers and community
I came out at 45.
create cultural spaces for marginalized folks like myself
cook and grow food as medicine
stayed in my body
held my sexuality and pleasure as central
therapy and more therapy
loving and massaging my dying friend
loving my friend/her girlfriend
sharing my amazing daughter with the world
sharing my dreams and journaling
coming to this show with a hot woman
not accepting how things are
(trying really hard to) love my body
listening to trauma
speaking despite fear
care-giving for caregivers
food making
write stories
share knowledge
be open and vulnerable
be able to accept pleasure
knowing I deserve
allow myself to be adored
unlearn catholicism
learning - always
make art with other people
have sex with a lot of people
listen to our elders
short skirts
burn medicine
stay out late with [someone's name]
walk naked with no shame
no judgement and open to infinite possibilities
sharing smiles and kindness
taking steps to take care of myself
I forgave myself and asked my family to confront our collective historical denying to begin ending the ancestral cycles of violence in my family
let myself be.
listen to others
walk my dog
being open
being honest
shared my experience
I asked for help.